Thai Spa Blog

Насладете се на релаксация с масаж за двама

Enjoy relaxation with a massage for two

A massage for two is not only a great way to take care of yourself, but also to strengthen your relationship. As you enjoy the synchronized movements of the therapists,...

Enjoy relaxation with a massage for two

A massage for two is not only a great way to take care of yourself, but also to strengthen your relationship. As you enjoy the synchronized movements of the therapists,...

 При плексит топли или студено

With plexit warm or cold

Plexitis is a disease that can cause intense pain and discomfort in the shoulders and arms. The choice between heat and cold therapy depends on the specific symptoms and stage...

With plexit warm or cold

Plexitis is a disease that can cause intense pain and discomfort in the shoulders and arms. The choice between heat and cold therapy depends on the specific symptoms and stage...

aromatherapy essential oils diffuser home relaxation

10 ways to use aromatherapy to improve your dai...

Aromatherapy offers a variety of ways to improve everyday life through the use of natural fragrances. This method can bring peace, joy and satisfaction while improving our physical and mental...

10 ways to use aromatherapy to improve your dai...

Aromatherapy offers a variety of ways to improve everyday life through the use of natural fragrances. This method can bring peace, joy and satisfaction while improving our physical and mental...

Как рейки терапия може да подобри вашето здраве и благосъстояние

How Reiki therapy can improve your health and w...

Reiki therapy offers a unique approach to healing, focusing on the energetic balancing and harmonizing of the body and mind. This ancient practice, which originated in Japan, uses the healing...

How Reiki therapy can improve your health and w...

Reiki therapy offers a unique approach to healing, focusing on the energetic balancing and harmonizing of the body and mind. This ancient practice, which originated in Japan, uses the healing...

Женска енергия част 2

Feminine Energy Part 2

Explore the power and influence of feminine energy throughout the ages and learn how to strengthen it through practice and knowledge. Part 2

Feminine Energy Part 2

Explore the power and influence of feminine energy throughout the ages and learn how to strengthen it through practice and knowledge. Part 2

Как може да се подобри тонусът на тялото?

How can body tone be improved?

Discover how to tone your body with tips on training, nutrition, sleep, stress and motivation.

How can body tone be improved?

Discover how to tone your body with tips on training, nutrition, sleep, stress and motivation.