Red light The secret of rejuvenation

Red light The secret of rejuvenation
  • Enjoy red light therapy at any time of the day at Thai Spa. It is especially effective when combined with our traditional Thai massages for complete recovery.
  • We recommend red light therapy before a massage to prepare the body or after a massage to enhance the relaxing effect. You can treat different areas during the day between your spa treatments.
  • At Thai Spa we use a combination of RED (visible red light) and NIR (invisible near infrared light) for optimal results, complementing the effect of our massages and therapies.
  • Our Red Light Therapy:
    • Red light (610-760 nm) penetrates up to 2.5 cm into the skin, perfectly complementing our beauty treatments.
    • Near infrared light (760-1400 nm) reaches deep into muscles and joints, enhancing the effect of our deep tissue massages.


The average European spends 90% of his time indoors. Historically, humans have had varying levels of environmental exposure. We were much more engaged with the sun, water, air and earth.

Cellular energy called ATP drives all chemical processes in the body. If you have low ATP, you feel exhausted and desperate. Higher levels of ATP drive the process in a different direction: happy and productive. An understandable balance, but how to manage it?

Mitochondria are the biological batteries in human cells. Red and near-infrared light charge them, such as from the sun or MITO LIGHT® devices. Our panels generate the therapeutic effect of these wavelengths, confirmed by more than 5000 scientific studies. You can find some examples HERE.

Discovered by NASA

In 1993, Quantum Devices developed a light emitting diode (LED) for NASA to use in their plant growth experiments. NASA used red wavelengths of light to try to stimulate plant growth and found that red light did increase plant growth. (R)

An interesting and unexpected byproduct of the experiment was the discovery that the scientists, who were frequently exposed to intense red light, saw rapid healing of their skin lesions. NASA then began researching the use of LEDs to increase the metabolism of human cells and stop bone and muscle loss in astronauts, and over the years the technology spread to the general population.

Red and near infrared light

The basic mechanism of red light therapy devices is that they emit exactly the light spectrum that the chromophores in the mitochondria (mainly cytochrome c oxidase) absorb, making the mitochondria active and full of energy. The body responds to light absorption by increasing ATP energy production and enhancing antioxidant and anti-inflammatory processes. In practice, this means that the human body is powerful and full of energy.

Mitochondrial activity is normally limited by nitric oxide, which inhibits cellular respiration by binding to cytochrome c oxidase and preventing oxygen utilization. Red light causes the so-called dissociation or separation of nitric oxide from the cytochrome, allowing it to resume its metabolic function to produce energy.

Proven research

Recovery and Sports Performance:

  • Improves athletic performance
  • Reduces inflammation after physical activity
  • Speeds up recovery

Hormonal system:

  • It has a positive effect on the thyroid gland
  • Increases testosterone production in men

Skin, hair and nails:

  • Stimulates collagen production
  • Reduces wrinkles
  • Improves the quality of hair and nails
  • Accelerates the healing of wounds and scars

Sleep and circadian rhythm:

  • Improves sleep quality
  • Increases melatonin levels
  • Synchronizes the circadian rhythm

Musculoskeletal system:

  • Supports the recovery of joints, tendons and bones
  • Reduces inflammation
  • Increases collagen synthesis

Longevity and Vitality:

  • Strengthens mitochondria in cells
  • Maintains long-term vitality
Discover the power of red light for total recovery

Research and references

Field of study Results Link
Muscle recovery and performance Increase in ATP production Research
Improving muscle recovery Research
More effective than cryotherapy for recovery after high-intensity exercise Research
Improving the hypertrophic response and increasing muscle strength Research
Positive results when using a wavelength of 655 to 950 nm Research
Increasing muscle mass and reducing inflammation Research
Delaying fatigue and reducing inflammatory biomarkers Research
Hormonal system Increase testosterone levels Research
Improving thyroid function Research
Positive effect on thyroid hormone levels Research
Increase in sperm concentration and motility Research
Improvement of progressive sperm motility Research
Sports achievements Reduction of muscle damage and soreness after exercise Research
Greater strength gains compared to strength training alone Research
Enhancing endurance in elite female basketball players Research
Improving metabolic activity in overweight women Research
Skin and recovery Effective acne treatment Research
Improving hair growth in men with androgenetic alopecia Research
Skin rejuvenation and wrinkle reduction Research
Positive effect on wrinkles and skin moisture Research
Anti-inflammatory effect and acceleration of wound healing Research
An effective method of treating burn scars in children Research
Speeding up the healing process of burn wounds Research
Sleep and brain activity Improving sleep quality and melatonin secretion Research
Potential benefit for patients with sleep problems Research
Reduction of sleep disturbances in patients with chronic migraines Research
Increasing sleep duration in people with traumatic brain injury Research
Improving sleep in people with traumatic brain injury Research
Musculoskeletal system A safe and effective method of treating osteoarthritis of the knee Research
Reduction of knee osteoarthritis pain and improvement of microcirculation Research
More effective treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee in combination with exercise Research
Helping repair damaged bones Research
Increasing bone regeneration and collagen deposition Research
Other benefits Positive effect on the aging process in the central nervous system Research
Increase in ATP production in mitochondria Research