Traditional Thai massages and Thai spa massage treatments - harmony with the elements of life

Traditional Thai massages and Thai spa treatments –
harmony with the elements of life

See for yourself the healing effect of traditional massages from Thailand, as well as traditional Thai spa massage procedures. Just leave yourself in the hands of a professional massage therapist who knows their philosophy. If you find it difficult to trust him just now, inform yourself before taking action.

Classic Thai massages and Thai spa treatments are based on the belief that a person's complete well-being lies in the harmony of the four basic elements of life:

• land
• air
• water
• fire

Specialists believe that any imbalance leads to illness on a physical, emotional and spiritual level. What does this have to do with classic massages from Thailand? In fact, according to their philosophy, each element corresponds to one of the elements of life.

This element represents the physical body of man: hair, body, nails, teeth, skin, muscles, tendons, bones, bone marrow, spleen, heart, liver, kidneys, lungs, intestines, stomach, rectum, brain.

It is the life-giving fluid that passes through the body and is absorbed by it. The water element resides in the earth element and needs the wind element to move. The water element consists of about 12 liquid substances produced by the human body: bile, mucus, lymph, blood, sweat, liquid fat, solid fat, tears, saliva, nasal secretions, synovial fluid, and urine.

The wind element represents the lightness and movements of the whole body. It provides the energy needed for any movement. There are six types of wind energy that flow into the body:

• wind that circulates from the lower to the upper part of the body;
• wind that passes from the upper to the lower part of the body;
• wind that circulates inside the abdominal cavity, but outside the stomach and intestines;
• wind that circulates inside the stomach and intestines;
• wind that passes through the whole body through blood circulation;
• wind, which we get when we inhale and exhale - the air.

He is the warmth and energy of life. Fire supports the functioning of the other elements: it maintains the appropriate temperature of the water and wind elements; gives warmth to the earth element to keep the organs in good condition.

Traditional Thai massages and Thai spa treatments use elements of acupressure, reflexology, yoga exercises and gentle stretching techniques to maintain balance between the elements of life as well as a stable emotional and mental state.
The combination of spiritual practices and systems for non-invasive impact on the human body is always a winning strategy. So we recommend you try it at least once. Then you will more easily decide whether classic massages and Thai spa treatments are right for you.

You will find all this in Thai SPA Sofia massage center